Sperhauk succumbed to the appeal of a 50 Movie Pack. He bought the Mill Creek Entertainment 12 dvd set Drive-In Classics, and once again Classics is taken in vain. It's only $16.47 on Amazon. That's 33 (.3298) cents per movie. You can read a list of the 50 films with a short commentary on each at Amazon, which mentions in passing that the box is 4233 minutes long. Shit. Sperhauk picked our first feature based on this guys reviews. MCE has a new set I am interested in but it still hasn't been around for long enough for the price to fall. Both of those boxes would up the ante to 100 chances for pain. Bring it on! Bitch!
We had a double dip out of the D-IC box. Nothing like plunging into a vat of burning sulfuric acid up to your unmentionables. First ball burner, Night Train To Terror, a 1985 "classic". The background to this movie is more interesting than anything in the movie. Really. It's an anthology movie, written by Phillip Yordan, and directed by John Carr, Phillip Marshak and three other guys. Yordan actually wrote some good movies, including 1954's Broken Arrow for which he won a Best Writing Oscar. During the McCarthy era he was a front for several other writers. There's no good writing in this rehashed mess. God, played by Ferdy Mane, and Satan, played by Lu Sifer, are taking a train in the framing segments and telling stories. The three stories are taken from two previously released movies, one - two, and an unfinished and unreleased film called Scream Your Head Off. This seems so wrong to me. Take three bad films and make a fourth bad film out of them. If only they had thrown out the earlier turds. On top of that outrage the producers also re-release NTTT under two other names. Shiver, which the movie could never live up to, and The Nightmare Never Ends, which says it all with a banal cliche. On the same train as G and S are some musicians and dancers. There's a bad song performed by Byron Yordan, who also breakdances. His clothes alone made me want to punch him. You can see a bunch of pictures from the film here. See if you don't think of punching that creepy guy. I wouldn't advise it but you can down load an MP3 of the song on the same page. That page also contains bare naked titties, so beware. Here's another guy's synopsis. There are so many bad things about this film and not much on the plus side. There's a fair bit of nudity and gore in the first story. There's claymation in a couple of segments. Bad claymation. Most everything about this feature is bad and I haven't even commented on how the truncated stories make nearly no sense. I can't wait to get one. It's worth a bit in novelty value.
After nearly watching The Dukes Of Hazzard, we went with the hillbilly pot movie In Hot Pursuit, which scored a 2.2 on IMDb. It would have made some sort of good double bill with TDOH but we don't plan that well and it's often hard to come to a consensus in picking what gets screened. Often there are many abysmal choices to gag on. I like the description of IHP, or it's original title Polk County Pot Plane, from the Amazon guy's review and pushed to watch it. I'm sorry now. Actually, there were lots of things to laugh at and it helped us get through the movie. There's a synopsis on the Alamo Drafthouse fan page, look for item 3 a bit down the page. There isn't much on the internet about the movie. Maybe it was made by some past Georgia legislators using very amateur film makers, but it's got the weed smugglers getting away with the money, so I wonder. It's also got some crazy stunts that look like people could get hurt. And a guy who can land a DC-4 in a field. That's how the smugglers escape with the boss's safe, flying off to a life on the run with a bunch of cash. It has the elements of a pretty average cops and smugglers movie but connections between the scenes are often never explained. But, it doesn't matter, not one bit, it's still fun enough to watch. At least the first time. I was thinking of H. B. Haleki's Gone in 60 Seconds and The Junkman while sitting there. Haleki's not much better of a film maker, he just crashed more cars and other stuff. They both have access to some big gear and they use it fairly well. The smugglers truck with camper on it crashes into an earth movier going down the highway on a tractor - trailer rig. The corner of the earth movers blade catches the camper on the front corner and that impact rips off most of the side and roof. The guys inside the camper are still there, with the pot, while they drive around for another several minutes. They crash a lot of cars and in a big stunt they drive a tractor - trailer right through a house that got stuck on the road. But even those funny bits don't help with the lulls in the story or the just not so exciting chases. I'd give it a three over at IMDb and that being really generous for the few fun bits. It's worth some of it's 33 cents for the fun bits and the effort used complaining about it. I'm thinking under a quarter.