We started with the second of the Hellboy animated movies, Blood and Iron. It ran some months ago on The Cartoon Network. I watched it then, and enjoyed it. I like the look of the cartoon which captures the Mike Mignola Hellboy comic style. I picked up the dvd today when I stopped at BestBuy on the way home. I needed some blank dvd's. Got'em and some movies too. I needed a treat after spending a half a grand on a squeek in my car. Brakes, like you need those. Plenty of things to hit. That'll slow you down. Nothing much slows Hellboy down for long. In this movie he gets the crap beat out of him, he even gets stabbed, but he bounces back and eventually kicks that goddess right in her metal ass. I enjoyed the story. Some of the others were restless about the 47:35 mark. It might lag a bit for some. Especially in the middle where there
isn't much action, but that's not something that bothers me. Some of the best stories in the comics don't always have a lot of action. Of course, some of the stories just tear the motherfucker up, and I like those too. As Joe said at the end it was Trevor's unfinished business that drove the story. That's Professor Bruttenholm, the man who saved and raised Hellboy. He dies in the live action movie but in the animated version he's just old. In 1939 Trevor fought and killed a vampire. Or at least he thought she was dead. A real horror show, that vampire lady killed hundreds of young women, draining their blood, not for nourishment but for beauty, and bathing in it. Their ghosts now haunt the mansion the team arrives at. Some blabbermouth of a rich guy wants to turn it into a haunted resort. It doesn't go to well for him. The evil vampire lady returns of course, bringing a werewolf, a couple of harpies, a whole bunch of glowy eyed demon wolves, and the Goddess Hecate. Everyone needs an ass kicking and the big red guy is a mostly willing supplier. There's a high body count but most of them aren't human so it's ok.
There's an even bigger body count in our second feature. Slither came out in 2006. I actually saw it in a theater. It was a sneak, and it was free. The DVD was only 10 bucks at BestBuy, and I had a 12% off coupon, and some Reward Zone bucks. The Slither DVD was pretty expensive when it came out, in the upper $20's, and I didn't buy it, now it's reasonable and I snapped one up. If you are willing to wait you can almost always find a popular movie for a ten spot or under. Plenty of good movies are now 6 bucks at many places. Shoveling hay to the cattle. Moo. There's a cow in Slither. It gets murdered by a monster. Lot of people get murdered by the monster in Slither. James Gunn wrote the screenplay and directed the movie. A meteor falls to the earth and a slug like thing comes out. Along comes Michael Rooker. He gets stuck with something that lodges in his brain. Yuck. Nathan Fillon plays the sheriff. He played the Captain in Firefly and that evil preacher in some of the last episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Elizabeth Banks plays Michael Rooker's wife. Nathan is still carrying the torch for her, and she's not so hot on her hubby any more. Especially after he starts to mutate. I bet she can get out of that marriage. Good thing the space slugs came, huh. A local woman is missing. The sheriff and his crew find her so filled with space slugs that she's near bursting. The slugs race into town and soon the whole population is infected. There are not that many attacking the girl in the tub. You don't see anything when she stands up, either. There's lots of gore, even more humor but no nudity. Not that I missed it, you can see skin anytime, but a fun horror movie with a good sense of humor is rare enough. There's a great supporting cast. I liked the Mayor played by Gregg Henry. He sure can swear up a storm. There's a lot of swearing through most of the show. I like that. I enjoyed the movie the first time and as much this time. Glad I bought a copy.
I watched Slither with Robert. Good old fashioned horror fun. We've been on a B-movie horror kick lately, enacting a mini version of your Friday Night Movies thingy. Recent flicks include... Descent (pretty good), The Breed (Robert liked it), The Return (Bleh), The Messengers (not bad), The Hitcher (even worse than the original), Hostel (I hope Eli Roth's career is over), The Host (nice monster), and others.
Posted by: Zosma Zack | July 06, 2007 at 04:13 PM