As someone who builds miniatures I enjoy what other people do. Train people can produce wonderful scenes with trains and houses and cars and people. Spotted around the world are big train layouts. Most big cities have one or two. You might have to look for it. Here's one that the builders claim is the largest train layout in the world. Wow. It's Miniatur Wunderland and it's pretty amazing. What lead me to their site was this video post on Bits & Pieces. That lead me over to Gizmodo where Jesus Diaz has some pictures and a link to the MW site. Diaz often writes about LEGO. Last year he had a great series of videos about his trip to the LEGO HQ and factory. MW is a huge layout at 900 square meters. Here are some numbers. Impresive, huh. The site has some video of the layout and the staff. Fun stuff to look at and watching the videos saves me a trip to Hamburg Germany and the 10 Euros to get in. Good economic sense these days.
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