I am still trying to catch up on the wekend. It's nearly bedtime and I still want to finish this post. I did get some discs burned this long weekend. I burned about 16 dvdr's and a dozen cd's. Unfortunately I found a comic archive with lots of public domain comics and I downloaded about 5 gigs worth before I could stop myself. Mostly old western comics from the 1940's and 50's. I was especially interested in the Dell Four Color comics with adaptations of movies and tv shows. Have Gun - Will Travel, Maverick, Spin and Marty, and the Lone Ranger to name a few. Everything else was just gravy. Of course, I'm swimin' in gravy now. I've got hundreds of files to rename, extract and burn onto more discs. Then I'll read 'em when I get around to 'em. Between down loading sessions I was burning discs. While I was burning discs I figured to catch up on some movie watching and LEGO sorting. I am still dealing with the stuff that I got at that guys LEGO by the bag sale. It's all sorted into baggies by type, doors together, windows together, and those baggies need to be worked into the rest of the tubs. I still have about a 10 ream size paper box of baggies to sort into the building stock. I'll tackle some sloped bricks after rooting about in the boxes of dvd's. I think it had been a while since I had seen Dogora. Certainly I've seen it since I reviewed it in July 2005. I still have that bootleg. I still like the movie. I got this gorgeous b&w picture from Sperhauk. Worth sharing for the odd fan or two who's interested in that sort of thing. The dvd is nice and though low on extras has a nice copy of the print.
After that I watched The Day The Earth Stood Still. Not the remake but the original movie 1951 movie directed by Robert Wise. There's a newish two disc set out as of last December 2008. I have the previous 2003 edition and according to some guy on Amazon they cut the good 70 minute documentary for some slighter 23 minute documentary and screwed around with a good package. I'll keep the edition I have. That's the cover to it on the left above. You can still buy it on Amazon for half the price of the new edition. Hint hint. Then there are a couple of posters and a dvd cover I don't know anything about. After I watched the movie, I also listened to the commentary by Robert Wise and Nicolas Meyer, and then I watched the making of documentary. It's a good dvd with a nice bunch of extras.
I haven't seen the remake of "The Day The Earth Stood Still" but I'm almost sure that the original is better, it's one of the best Sci-fi movie ever, my father is a fan of this movie and so I am. A must-see !
Posted by: crimsogiger | May 26, 2009 at 03:57 AM