I was interested in getting one of the camels. The camels come in two shades of tan. Crap! Now I'm interested in getting two. Ohhh, it's like a sickness, yet it feels so good. This set has the dark tan version and the larger set has the regular tan version. I like the boxes on a stick that he carries. It's a bit of a market place and doesn't seem like too bad a playset. I'm mostly interested in the parts, though I did build it before I parted it out. There's a pretty canopy that could become a hot rod's rag top or a blanket at the beach. There's some great pearl gold bits on the roof and 16 white cheese slopes. That should come in handy, huh. A guy can always use a set of stairs. Lots of nice tan in both shades and some nice new arches in medium dark flesh. Great color, huh. The arches do look nice with that bit of point in the middle and there's 20 of 'em. The new department store set has them in white for dentils. There are 13 of those 1x1 bricks with the flush stud in the side. Those are the new rage.
I like the camel better than the new ostrich. I like the shape and the color. Better to have a toy camel than a real camel. I am told by tv that camels aren't near the top of the fun animals list. They bite and spit. I don't need that. I do need one (many!!!!!!) of the fancy new dagger and the shiny new sword. Neat, huh. Dastan has one of those double sword behind the back holders. It's called a Scabbard for two Katanas on Bricklink, where it ranges in price from 60 cents to $2.49. The box says 258 pieces and Bricklink says there are 5 extra ones. That's about 12 cents a part. That's more like the new average on many sets, or anything not Star Wars. Many of those pieces are small, and I'm looking at you cherries (6 in the set), but many of them are nice additions to a guys building stock. I'm partially on the way to stocking a cherry tree, or an orgy. Someday, only time will tell.
The minifigs are pretty nice too. I think Dastan looks too much like Indiana Jones. I already have enough Indiana Jones faces. There's new dark brown hair, done up in a ponytail, on Princess Tamina, who's also sporting a nice white cape. More pearl gold on that guard and a nice headpiece on the merchant. I like their costumes and there's a fairly interesting set of accessories to detail out the playset.There's a nice D Basket, a couple of jewels, some weapons, and you get a lot of food in this set, besides those cherries. Three apples, a couple of fish and a pair of turkey drumsticks. Yummm!!
So, mostly a nice set. The little partial building has a trap door and a balcony that breaks spilling the minifig right onto the ground. Oww. Luckily that can be cured by a quick trip to the imagination. All better.