Another meeting come and gone. Besides me there were Nathan, Roger, Gary, Max, Dylan, Erik, Steve, a new person named Mark, and visitors from Detroit, Chris and Jennifer. Chris has a blog. Gary brought cookies and a ton of minifigs for a buck each. I bought a bunch of minifigs and ate some of his mom's homemade molassas cookies. I'm sure he'll bring them back in the future. Minifigs that is, no promises on the cookies. Make sure to bring some cash or your checkbbook, there are still plenty of good ones left. TwinLUGer's are always encouraged to bring stuff to the meetings for trade or sale. Got some stuff you don't need? Roger brought his award winning train. You can see more pics of the train and the 2001 contest at Max's Flickr page. There are a few pictures of the work other people brought, like Dylan's Micropolis modules, Nathan's Micropolis Bridge WIP, Max's gang of Power Miner variants. You can see close ups of the bunch of them at Max's Flicker page. I've been trying to finish the undersea diorama for the comic con next month. Not getting too far. Here's the latest.
I hope to have nine 32 by 48 stud modules when this part is done. I might rework that tower but time is short and I need to fill up real estate or give up trying to finish. I found that Duplo tanker truck on sale at the LEGO Imagination Center and thought it worked into the scene quite well. Adds a bit of color. The monolith is the scale of the monolith in the movie - 1x4x9. I used the red plastic LEGO measuring tool to make sure it was accurate. That's the ruler below and that's an interesting package that I hadn't seen before. The ruler and the brick separator at $6.99 is more than the ruler and the separator when sold separately. I use the brick separator all the time, I wore one out already. Great for taking plates apart.