I picked this up at the LEGO store at lunch time. It's so close to work. I waited until I got home to actually built it. There are 104 pieces for $9.99 which isn't too bad. The two minifigs are handy enough, a blacksmith and a knight. The set consists of a small forge and a hint of a shop with an anvil. There's a water wheel that turns a shaft that moves a cam that makes a hammer go up and down on a knife that's attached to the anvil. I had that wheel turning pretty darn quickly that hammer was banging away.
The blacksmith has a new printing on his head, torso and pants. The Dragon knight's torso and legs have been in 5 different sets and his grumpy head has been in 36 different sets. The printing looks pretty good and I like that helmet with the dark green flame pretending to be a feather. The rest of the parts are a pretty good mix of useful bits and pieces whih come in ones and twos. There is a dark tan chicken, a new reddish brown bucket with handle and a nice bunch of new weapons.
The 6 new weapons are all packed in a poly bag together. BrickLink gives them the same number followed by a letter from a-f. They are rather soft and springy. When I was at the store Tom, one of the cooler worker bees there, told me that the weapons were also in the new Heroica games. He told me the weapons were a soft plastic and it sounds like they are the same. I did look at the Heroica games briefly but haven't bought any and I'm not sure if I will. They bear a closer inspection but I'm not interested in them as a game to play. I do like that chicken. You get one in the set. The dark bluish gray slope with the cut out is one of the few parts that comes with more than one. You get 4 of them. Not sure what I can do with those yet. It's just nice to have some odd bit that might come in handy in the future. Unless the end of the world comes this fall. At least it will be quiet after.
This is the fourth blacksmith set that I know about. 6040 is from 1984 and like the current set it's pretty skimpy. 3739 which is based on Dan Siskind's work is from 2002 and it's a much better realized bit of business. There's also a blacksmith in the Medieval Market Place, with a water wheel. I'm sure a lot of people didn't buy that more expensive set so they will like the little blacksmith shop well emough. It's an okay parts pack. I'll keep it built until I go over to the TCLUG meeting. Once everyone's had a chance to take a gander I'll take it home and soon it will just be a pile of bricks waiting to be sorted.