I thought it might be a nice idea to watch Galaxy Quest. I did go to see it in the theater when it came out in 1999. I picked up the dvd and it's been a while since I watched it last. I'm normally not a fan of Tim Allen, I grew tired of his comedy grunts right quick. Same with his tv show, that character he played was real annoying. Here he's pretty good and he's got a nice bunch of actors to back him up. Tim, Sigourney Weaver, Alan Rickman, Tony Shalhoub and Daryl Mitchell play the main crew of the ship in the tv show. Sam Rockwell plays a red shirt that got killed in an episode. He was happy to be on the show and it gets him gigs at conventions. Enrico Colantoni plays the head of the aliens that come looking for help. They appear human with the help of image generators. Robin Sachs plays the evil alien. Tim blunders around, the aliens are nearly saved, and the series gets renewed after a huge near disaster. There's a lot of jokes and most of htem are pretty funny. I shouldn't wait so long to getting around to seeing it again.
The Wikipedia says that Gappa, a 1967 Japanese giant monster movie, was intended to be a parody of the genre. I don't know that I got that from the Video Dakaiju fan-subbed bootleg that I have. There's a dvd of the Japanese version that you can get from Amazon and you can see the US dubbed version, Monster From a Prehistoric Planet at the Internet Archive. Some rich business man goes with a boat load of people to a south Pacific island. He wants to build a resort there and the natives are ready for the commerce. They tell him not to go to the forbidden area and just like a kid drawn tothe forbidden candy jar, off he goes. He breaks the candy jar and a giant lizard like bird critter comes poppin' out of hte giant egg. The natives want them to leave the critter but nope, they bolt back to japan. Death and destruciton are reigned down on the village as the parents of the cirtter burst out of their subterranian lake home. They fly to Japan to get their destructive search on. Buildings crash and the army can't stop them. Finally the business man gives up the kid and the critter family returns home to the island of the dead. It's not a favorite but it's an ok movie. I enjoyed watching it again. The effects aren't as good as the earlier giant monster movies but there you go.