I was looking for something else over at YouTube and I found some versions of Elvis Costello's Radio, Radio. Here's one from 2003 that has a nice comment from a fan about the Elvis appearance on Saturday Night Live. They start one song, stop and bust into Radio, Radio. The guy commenting said it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I certainly saw it and thought the same thing. Elvis got banned from the show for 12 years but by then I had long since finished watching that show. I bought the first 5 years of SNL on dvd when they turned up at Target so cheap. The Elvis Radio, Radio appearance is in there and it was fun to watch all over again. Here's a version from 1982. I'm not liking the organ in this version as much. Here's a version from Detroit in 1978. I wonder if anyone I know saw that show? Here's one from 1979. Here's Elvis breaking in on The Beastie Boys to do Radio, Radio back in 2002. Here's a nice version of Everyday I Write The Book, just for a change of pace. What's So Funny About Peace Love And Understanding? I quit following Elvis's career ages ago but still enjoy many of his songs from the 1970's and 1980's.
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