I've been trying to work on a little LEGO project and since I was at my work table in front of the TV I put On Demand on and looked for something to watch. I gotta get some value out of my cable dollar and if free crappy movies are part of the equation I'll just have to take it like a man and bitch about it later. First I picked Mutant Hunt which turned out to be an inept piece of crap. I would have know that if I had bothered to look them up. Mutant Hunt is the work of writer director Tim Kincaid. He's responsible for the crapfests Breeders and Robot Holocaust. All bad movies that sadly don't deliver even on that. These movies are bad but sadly they aren't bad and you laugh, they're bad and you go, "Aw, crap!" Before and after his short low-budget horror film stint in the mid-80's Kincaid worked in the gay porn business. He's still at it today. Stick to what you know, that's good advice, even if it's just dicks. There's some kind of half -ass story in Mutant Hunt, which is mostly a long chase film, filmed in cheap sets, with poor actors, spouting bad dialog while trying to perform some bad action stunts. There's a bit of nudity, but that's nothing to exciting, even for 1987. My second choice was Retaliator another movie released the same year as the previous movie under the original title of Programmed To Kill. It's about a captured terroist, played by Sandahl Bergman, who some might remember from Conan, Red Sonja, She or Hell Comes To Frogtown. She's turned into a remote controlled cyborg killing machine by the CIA. A lot of wasted potential and not worth a watch. Neither of them are. So, don't watch them.
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