Helldriver is a 2010 Japanese film about an alien invasion that turns half of Japans population into flesh eating zombies. It's an everything and 2 kitchen sinks kind of movie. Sponge like it's pulls in so many bits and pieces from all sort of genre movies that I wouldn't want to list them. It's gorey and over the top but sadly not a great movie. The director, writer, editor, makeup artist and character designer Yoshihiro Nishimura is pretty indulgent. He did makeup and special effects on The Machine Girl, Tokyo Gore Police and Samurai Princess amongst others. He directed TGP and SP and ten more films most of which I haven't seen. A meteor punches a hole through Hara's mom, a really evil bitch, and mom rips Hara's heart out of her chest. She's the embodiment of the entitled. Somehow she fuses Hara's heart in her chest, perhaps by magical evil will power. There isn't much reality in this cartoon like movie. A goo covers both women. A fountain of black particles come pouring out of mom. They infect the population and mom becomes Queen of the zombies. Hara, somehow still living but in a coma, gets a mechanical heart and a chainsaw sword as part of a government project. She wakes up after several months to find the world is a really fucked up place. She gets in trouble and in jail she's given the chance to join a group going into zombie territory to attack the queen. She's got it in for mom and she goes on the trip. It's one battle after another with lots of goo and blood and limbs flying. We did see some things that we hadn't seen before, like a giant human shaped mound of zombies that grab a couple of missiles so it can fly or a car made from the body parts of zombies. It seems like a lot of the movie was shot on green screen and backgrounds added. It doesn't look good at times. It's not much better than average but it sure packs in a lot of stuff in it's 117 minutes. It doesn't drag so much as suffer from too much repetition and over long scenes. The director likes huge fountains of blood pouring out of chopped off arms and heads, like there's a firehouse inside the body, after you see that several times it starts to tire. It's mostly comic but occasionally it gets too much like torture porn for me and that's sure not going to make everyone happy who sees it. Here's the trailer. It might be all you need.
Sperhauk had a copy of Werewolves on Wheels. You can watch it on YouTube above. It's a 1971 biker movie with hardly enough werewolves for my taste. We follow some bikers, played by some real bikers mixed in with actors, as they drive around the US southwest doin' their biker thing. It's pretty darn dull, except for a funny encounter with a weird guy at an isolated gas station. Nice hat, dude. The guys stop in near a monastery and the monks give them bread and wine. The guys give them some trouble and they get cursed by Severn Darden. The gang members start getting attacked in the night. We only see a shadow of a beast and some growls. The werewolves don't appear until near the end and it's shot in the dark so we don't see much. Not totally horrible, kind of draggy, but a bit of an oddity. It is a biker werewolf movie and here's a chance to see it without spending any money.