The Werewolf set has 243 pieces for $19.99 which is about 8.23 cents a part. There are 2 figures, the werewolf and monster fighter Major Quinton Steele. The set makes a small one seater car and a fair size tree. The car isn't too bad but the tree looks kind of odd. Like someone didn't have all the parts they needed and made the tree anyway. It has a moving bit at the top that catapults the werewolf out of it. I'd like the tree better if the black parts of the tree were reddish brown, or better yet, if the whole thing was made from dark brown slopes and bricks. There was a previous werewolf set that was issued under the Studio Scary Monsters theme. It had three figs, a car and a small tree. The tree is hinged and falls over. It wasn't that great a tree and it has eyes. That's so weird.
I do like the olive leaves, there are 5 of them, and that pair of seaweed pieces will come in handy someday. The werewolf has Wolverine claws, which are way too long, but they do glow in the dark. Sad to say he hasn't got a minifig head for when he's not a werewolf. It's a pretty good werewolf head. Different than the ones on the werewolf figures that have come before. I'll post after this with a look at them all. The Major has a rifle that is made out of one of the tranquilizer guns that the guys in the current Dino sets sport. They've added a pearl gold telescope and a pearl gold Fez. That Fez seems to be pretty useful, I see it turn up in the oddest places.
The werewolf has a ripped shirt and pants and the Major looks like an adventurer from early part of the last century. Both costumes have somewhat limited re-uses. The Major has a weird eye piece, like someone has strapped a monicle to his head, and a grumpy look. Not too bad a set. Worth picking up one or two.