The Troubles With Tribbles is the only episode of the original series on the disc. It's one of the more iconic episodes in the series. It was written by David Gerrold and it was broadcast December 29 1967. The officials at the K7 Space Station call the Enterprise in to guard a shipment of Quadrotriticale. It's a hybrid wheat that is headed for Sherman's Planet. Kirk isn't too happy to be guarding some wheat but the top brass want to make sure it gets there and that the Klingon's don't interfere. Sherman's Planet is up for grabs according to the Organian Peace Treaty. The wheat might swing the balance into the Federations favor. The Klingons show up and Scotty gets into a bar fight when they insult the Enterprise. That Scotty, huh, the captain gives him some grief for that.
Uhuru buys a tribble from Cyrano Jones, an intergalactic trader, and brings it on the ship. Everyone likes petting them and soon there are too many to count. They are born pregnant which seems to save a lot of hassle with growing up and dating and all. The critters get into the wheat and thanks to them we find it was poisoned. Scotty redeems himself with the Captain by transporting the tribbles into the departing Klingon ship. Klingons don't like tribbles and the feeling is mutual.
The rest of the disc is packed with extras. The first item is the Star Trek animated episode More Tribbles, More Troubles. It was written by David Gerrold and it picks up the story a bit after the original series episode ended. The Enterprise encounters some Klingon's chasing Cyrano Jones in a little ship. They rescue him and find the Klingons are mad at Cyrano because of the tribbles. They also want back the Glommer, a tribble predator, that Cyrano stole. Kirk won't give him up and he tries to settle things down so he can get that wheat to Sherman's Planet. Pretty silly. I hope to see the rest of the series in the future when I get past some of the stuff that's piled up a bit. I'm pretty sure I haven't seen too many of them before. There's a commentary by David Gerrold on the animated episode.
The Deep Space Nine episode Trials + Tribble-ations is the next item on the disc. Folks on the space station go back in time and visit the Enterprise. They use CGi to put the DS9 crew into the old Enterprise. I never saw this episode of DS9. I never followed it after the 1st season. I just wasn't that fond of the storyline. There are two featurettes to fill up the rest of the disc: Writing Two Legends and An Historic Endeavor. Both were pretty entertaining.