That's the three sets in the series. Here's the second set, the seaplane.
The Seaplane has 320+ parts and I've seen it listed for about 60 bucks. Again it's kind of a novelty item to me, I like Tintin so I'm vaguely interested, and it's easy to keep a picture you download off of the internet. Someone who is into Meccano would be more interested in the product. I was going to say I didn't know anyone with Meccano brand loyalty but I think I might. I don't know that he reads this so we might never know, unless I ask him. Sometimes surprise is found in what people do with their spare time.
I wonder how a nuts and bolts man would look at this set? Model or parts pack? I suspect it's the appeal of building the model. A lot of people like making models, all sorts of models. And certainly the variety in technique and end product is huge. At the last TCLUG meeting we were talking about the lack of plastic model kits in places like Target and WalMart. When I remembered a day or two later I looked up plastic model kits on the internet and there's still a pretty good number of kits available but the price on a 1/25 model kit of a car is about 25 bucks. That seems expensive to me but it might be such a small market that it's the cost now. That Meccano set is 60 bucks, even with it being metal and painted, that seems steep for a smallish plane. I do like the fact that the Meccano parts are painted. The applying of paint on a plastic model kit was always my downfall as a model maker. I tried but never could achieve a good enough level of quality to want to continue. I have to admit the appeal with the LEGO system bricks is the lack of a need to paint. Even with the limited color pallet, when compared to mixing paints, you can achieve a lot of interesting work.