The fifth season has DCI Tom Barnaby, played by John Nettles, and Sgt Gavin Troy, played by Daniel Casey, solving murder cases in the fictional country of Midsomer. The 5 episodes aired in 2001 and 2002 and like the previous programs each episode runs about 98 minutes. Midsomer is a fairly large place and there are plenty of large houses and small villages. Causton is the main large town but Tom and Gavin rarely seem to have any cases there. No matter, there's enough murder in the country. Someone is always ready to slaughter for some cash or property, or love or lack of it. I find the stories to be fairly interesting. I got some of them from the library and some I watched on YouTube. Obviously the dvds look much better. Usually the stories are rather sordid and the murders are often unusual.
Tainted Fruit - Murder amongst the naughty villagers. If only they had kept their tainted fruit in their pants.
Ring Out Your Dead - Murder in a group of bell ringers. Ding, dong, dead.
Murder on St Malley's Day - Murder at a posh school. Couldn't happen in a better place. Gavin is still a poor driver. Those English country roads are often windy and narrow. Dangerous in themselves.
Market For Murder - Elderly lady has her head bashed in with her own cane. Damn, huh. Gavin has been collecting the Eagle since he was a boy.
A Worm in the Bud - There's plenty of murder in the woods, which you would expect. I don't like going in the woods anymore. I used to as a kid but we often had woods around us. We didn't live in the city all the time and there was the farm in summers when we did.