I've seen the film Reefer Madness many times. It's not a great film, really, from any point of view other than making fun of. The anti-drug message is pretty stupid and un-realistic but the 1930's audience was pretty ignorant about such things. The 1936 film that was originally made as Tell Your Children. Promoter Dwain Esper bought the movie soon after it was made and ran it around the exploitation circuit under several other names: The Burning Question, Dope Addict, Doped Youth and Love Madness. Those exploitation film promoters used to do that a lot, re-title a film and then show it to the same unsuspecting audiences over and over. No wonder people hate business men, huh. So many of them suck. It's a goofy film, adult looking teens get involved with some drug dealers until one of them dies. The Rifftrax guys make some ok jokes about the movie. As usual some are better than others.
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