I missed the two part musical episode that came out last December 2013. It was meant to be part of the 6th season but the writing took too long. It became part of the 7th season production but it got delayed and wound up being broadcast months after the season wrapped up. It was released as a separate release, packaged with a CD of 6 songs from the show. The story is set in the world of theater and a playwright is murdered. It's written and directed by series creator Steve Franks who also co-wrote the 14 musical numbers with Adam Cohen. There's the usual gags and silly bits you expect from the series and those were fun but I wasn't too interested in the songs. They just weren't that entertaining to me. I've seen several musical episodes on tv shows and this certainly isn't up the Buffy The Musical level. The dvd turned out to be kind of a useless purchase, the musical episodes will be in the package of dvd's for the 8th season and the CD only has 6 songs from the show. Luckily for me I'm not needing to go buy the shows soundtrack. It's only available as a download. The DVD has 3 earlier episodes of the series and they all have a musical theme. Not full blown musicals but music is part of the plot. Those were all better episodes than the Musical was. A guy can't win with the insidious packagers of tv content. Every now and then you take a punch in the head. Life goes on.
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