I hadn't heard of Two's Company before but when I saw it on the shelf at the library I picked it up. It was first produced in 1975 by London Weekend Television for the ITV Network. It was created and written by Bill MacIlwraith who hasn't done anything much I recognize as having seen. It stars Elaine Stritch and Donald Sinden, neither of whom has been in much that I've seen. Elaine was in a few movies I've seen and that certainly more stuff than I've seen Donald in. Elaine plays an American mystery thriller writer living in London and Donald is a butler. He shows up in the first episode and gets hired. The situations are pretty typical for sitcoms of the time. The electrician Elaine hires, against Donald's advice, turns out to be a goof and does a shitty job. In another Donald's annoying mother comes to visit. The two of them are pretty much opposites and there's plenty of friction based humor. The show gets an overall rating of 7.9 on the IMDb but I wouldn't go that high. I still got a few laughs and I put the 3 additional series on my library queue.
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