The Last Light is an ambiguous movie that has 7 people hold up in a mental hospital after some unknown event has caused the earth to be bathed in continuous light. There are some sort of monsters outside that kill you. We never see them, there is only some noise in the background when there supposed to be there. There's 3 women and 4 men in the group. Edward Furlong hides in the lower basement and only talks to Ed Quinn. Ed's the basic leader of the group. He has the only weapon, a shotgun. Seth David Mitchell is the asshole of the group, always complaining, who thinks he's better than rest. When Molly Hagan goes nuts and grabs the gun it ends with her dead. Seth tries to get the group to make him leader but no one else votes for him and he attacks Ed shortly after that. Ed fucks him up a bit and leaves him for the critters. Typically Seth cries for help now that he's hurt. I see that a lot in movies and don't understand the mentality. You just tried to take over and lost. Now you want some sympathy? I'm with Ed, fuck that guy. That's two down. Jeff Fahey is a quiet guy who maintains the food supply. Yvonne Zima is a bit of a flirty blond. Tahyna Valentina MacManus endlessly works on papers from the hospital. It's not explained why. Not much is explained here, mostly there's talking and sitting. Ed discusses the events with Edward all the time, seeking some advice. The movie's quite slow moving and there's little info about what's going on. People speculate about what the movie means on the IMDb and other sites and there's a common thought that it's some sort purgatory. I'm not sure what's it's all about but that could be an answer that works within the framework of what's presented. At the end we see Edward looking at a file that has a clipping from a newspaper. It's Ed's obituary. When we cut to Ed in a hallway with monster noises. Then we cut to Edward having a bit of a chuckle and then there's a terrible song that plays over the credits. I don't care that much for this sort of movie. There's no way I can possibly know what's in writer and director Andrew Hyatt's mind and after seeing his movie I doubt I would care that much to see either of his other two movies.
Journey To The Center Of Time is a 1967 movie that I noticed on Amazon Prime, like the first movie, and didn't remember seeing it until a few minutes into the film. I looked it up and sure enough, I'd seen it back in 1999, but i watched it to the end on amazon, rather than dig out the low budget DVD that cost me a buck. I bought it for the copy of Things To Come which is a much more entertaining and memorable movie. JTTCOT is about a big time experiment and it's pretty forgettable. It's written and directed by James L Hewitt. He's mostly an effects guy but he did direct 8 films and a short. His first film was The Wizard Of Mars which you can see on YouTube. I haven't see it but I did download it to watch later. I have seen Hewitt's The Mighty Gorga and the comment on my Watched Movie List was: yow - crap, and not in a good way. I suspect that I meant it was just bad and not fun to watch, or that a good poop would be a better experience than watching the movie. Either are valid because they're both true. I made it thought JTTCOT. Thankfully it's only 77 minutes. I certainly won't need to see it again. Hopefully I'll remember that I had seen it. I'd only recommend it to those that really want to see all the SF films there are. Everyone else, move along, nothing to see here.