Fellowship Of The Frog is a 1959 German film. That's the world wide alternate title, the previous US title was Faces Of The Frog. It shares a DVD with the movie below this post and it's more entertaining than it's disc mate. The movie is based on a novel by Edgar Wallace. Egon Eis, writing under the name Trygve Larsen, and J. Joachim Bartsch wrote the script, which was directed by Harald Reinl.
The Frog, that's him in the mask above, is a robber who has a fair size gang behind him. No one knows who he is. The police are after him and so is a rich American amateur sleuth with a sports car and a butler. There's a subplot with the spoiled son of a stern father. Sonny gets into big trouble, the Frog frames him for murder. The son's sister is the romantic lead for the amateur sleuth. It all works out well in the end and I was glad to have seen it.