While looking for LEGO knock off material I found this Star Trek set of LEGO like minifigures. It's an odd mix of figures, we've got Captain Kirk and Spook, Scotty and Zulu, Edward Rayburn and Khan. That's no typo, that Zulu, that's what they call Sulu. The colors of the shirts are OK, the hair is almost good enough, it's the faces that make me really sad. The set is $12.99 on eBay with $3.07 postage. Here's some larger pictures of the figures. They get larger if you click on them.
Kirk looks addlepated and Spock's only identifying feature are his eyebrows. His hair is totally wrong and he has no pointy ears. That's a big fail in my eyes.
Zulu and Scotty both suffer from the absolutely shit face art. Where these drawn by that lady that restored the Jesus fresco a couple of years ago. That's about the level of talent here. Zulu has the same hair piece as Spock, Kirk and Rayburn. All the uniforms have tiny Star Fleet emblems, which I thought should be a little bigger. The lines on the sleeves are white here but Star Fleet mostly has gold lines on their uniforms.
I did like that they picked out a specific red shirt to fill that spot in the set. I had to go look Edward Rayburn up. His character is mentioned in a couple of novels, and the one episode that he appears in, is one where he dies. The version of Kahn doesn't say Kahn to me. Not something that would be worth buying.