Humanity's End starts with nearly 7 minutes of backstory narrative, the movie is only 79 minutes long. It's one of those nearly all CGI movies with nothing much by way of physical sets. It's also painted a drab grey-bluish-green. I've come to dislike that sort of effect and it sure helps bring the movie's score down for me. Choices are often punished. It's a 2008 movie about some of the last human's in the galaxy. Clones have developed into super-clones and those dicks are killing off the humans. Human's that develop tougher, stronger clones deserve to die off. Did they learn nothing from Blade Runner. Where's that kill switch? The story is familiar, a bit of this and a bit of that from other movies you've seen. The characters are all dull and uninteresting, especially the noisy spaceship captain. I was glad to have seen it on Amazon Prime, wasting a Netflix DVD selection would have been sad.
The Day Of The Animals is a 1977 movie about some people walking in the woods. They get helicoptered up the mountain and now they are slowly going back to the bottom. Mostly they're city folk. Christopher George, Leslie Neilsen, Lynda Day George, Richard Jaeckel, Michael Ansara, Ruth Roman and Paul Mantee are the names in the cast that were familiar to me.
As the group goes along they start to notice things aren't normal with the local critters. They soon get attacked by animals that they learn have been driven crazy by the decrease in the ozone level. The critters have gotten really aggressive and organized. Rats, snakes, wolves, a grizzly, eagles and vultures all feed on the flesh of the human. We must taste good, they keep coming back for a nibble. The whole depleted ozone turns Leslie into a murdering rapist, luckily that grizzly comes along with a big bear hug to put a stop to Leslie's nonsense.
I hadn't seen this movie since I had first seen it in 1999. I didn't make a comment on My Watched Movie List back then and I didn't remember anything from that viewing. Now I would say it's OK but not much above average. It's a 5.5 on the IMDb and that's about where it should be. There's a fair bit of action but there are long slogs of bickering and walking in the woods. Animals walking, humans walking, it doesn't matter, we shouldn't need to see all the path to get where we're going. I don't think I would need to see this again. Not having it on DVD means one less thing to store and probably never use. I have enough of that sort of shit.