I had missed the 1997 Disney remake of That Darn Cat with Christina Ricci. I noticed the older version of the movie over at Netflix. I have some nostalgia for the older Disney movies but I rarely buy them unless they are a couple of bucks or less. Occasionally I Netflix the DVD of some older kids movie I saw when I was a kid, and occasionally I buy a DVD. The same time I ordered up the DVD for the 1965 That Darn Cat I ordered the newer 1997 version. Sadly they didn't show up at the same time. I've noticed that more and more Netflix DVD isn't shipping product from the local warehouse. Titles are disappearing quickly and not being replaced. I'm not really interested in joining the ranks for their streaming service.
The 1997 version of That Darn Cat changes up the story and sets in Boston and some small town of Edgefield, some 60 miles away. Christina and her family, Michael Keaton and Bess Armstrong, own that darn cat, who's called DJ. The kidnapping doesn't happen during a bank robbery, this time it's the maid of a rich business man, played by Dean Jones, who gets kidnapped. The crooks think the maid, played by Rebecca Koon, is Dean's wife, played by Dyan Cannon. The kidnappers lock the maid in a room in Edgefield and she scratches a message hell on her watch before sticking it around DJ's neck. Christina finds the watch and goes to the FBI. Doug E Doug plays the FBI agent, he's a nervous, excitable guy who has some troubles on the job. It's touch and go there but Christina helps and the baddies are caught. I definitely didn't like it as much as the older version but it's watchable. Some of the slap stick is just too much and it really drags the movie down. It gets a 4.6 on the IMDb for good reason. I wouldn't buy one for full price but I might if it was cheap enough. If it never happens I won't loose any sleep over it. It's not like I really need to see it again.