Two SF movies from Amazon Prime today. The Last Scout is a 2017 movie about a small spaceship that's been sent on a mission to other planets to find one that compatible to human life. They've been at it for 7 years and things aren't too good on the ship. Mostly the people are getting along but the ship is falling apart. They encounter another human ship near their destination and the killing starts. Trouble is it takes an hour to get to the action, I had kind of lost interest by then. Simon Phillips is the director and Paul Tanter is the writer. I thought Simon did a better job putting the script on the screen but the screenplay wasn't something I was enjoying that much. I can say the same thing about the other film I watched this morning. Ares 11 is a 2016 SF movie about some people stuck on a damaged ship. Not enough oxygen for all four of them to get back safely but enough for two. Things go bad after they find that out. The person telling them that they haven't got enough oxygen tells them to kill themselves in a clumsily written scene. Even at their best I sure didn't want to spend any time with these people. Then the ending left me hanging. Robert Goodrich is the writer director. It's his first film, maybe he'll do better in the future.
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