Volume 2 of Bomba The Jungle Boy has the remaining 6 movies in the series. They all star Johnny Sheffield, who played Boy in 8 Tarzan movies. After the Bomba series ended in 1955 Johnny hung up his lion cloth and went into business. Sadly, Johnny died in 2010 from a fall from a ladder. He was 79.
Here's a bit of the TV show Johnny was in, Bantu The Zebra Boy. He rides a zebra. You'll see a lion look bored as he rides by.
Here's the 6 movies in the set. They come 2 to a disc, on DVDrs with no extras. The picture quality is fine, the sounds pretty good. All of them were written and directed by Ford Beebe. The Bomba series would be the last films of his 40 year career, he wrote another film in 1959 but didn't direct anything. He started writing screenplays in 1915 and he would have been 67 when he made the last Bomba picture in 1955. He died in 1978.
African Treasure 1952 Bomba is on the trail of diamond smugglers. They've kidnapped a village and are using them to dig the diamonds.
Bomba And The Jungle Girl 1952 Bomba's on the trail of information on his long missing parents. He gets a lead that takes him to a tribe that is up to no good. Bomba puts a stop to their shenanigans and finds out more about his past.
Safari Drums 1953 A rich guy wants exciting movie footage of the animals in Africa. His safari crosses paths with Bomba, who's been told that there's a murderer in the group. The rich guy's imported a tiger so he can have it fight a lion. That's some pretty poor footage. Sometimes the animal footage isn't very interesting and they repeat footage from film to film.
The Golden Idol 1954 Bomba's holding a statue that Arab Prince Ali Ben Mamoud wants. He hires a killer to go after it. Bomba thwarts the killer and the Prince gets burn up alive. You don't fuck with Bomba on his land. The jungle can hide a lot of dead bodies.
Killer Leopard 1954 Beverly Garland plays an actor who's gone into the jungle to try to find her husband. He's on the run, having embezzled some cash, which he plans to turn into illegally gotten diamonds. Bomba runs into that family mess while on the hunt for a killer lack leopard.
Lord Of The Jungle 1955 The government has sent a hunter to kill the heard of elephants that have gone rogue. Bomba stops them, the elepehants are n his land, so he can figure out which elephant is the rogue. He'll turn him over to the hunter to be destroyed. That way he'll save the herd. It all gets pretty grim for Bomba for a while but he comes out A-OK in the end.
I was glad to have gotten the two sets that contain the series. They aren't the best jungle films out there but they are entertaining. I'll certainly watch them again someday.