The Hitman's Bodyguard is a 2017 crime comedy with Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L Jackson. It's written by Tom O'Connor and Patrick Hughes. They have done little other work and I've not seen it.

Ryan's a security guy, he keeps his customers safe, until that one guy got shot in the head. Three years pass and he's down at the bottom of the security heap. He gets a call from his ex-girlfriend, she's an Interpol agent and she's in deep shit. A team of mercenaries have attacked her convoy, everyone's dead and she's on the run with Samuel L. She can't trust Interpol, there must be a leak, so needs Ryan to come rescue her. Then he's got to take Sam to the Criminal Court in The Hague. They have until 5pm tomorrow and there are a pack of murderous scumbags hounding them.

There's plenty of nice scenery as the movie travels about Europe. There's plenty of action, car chases, boat chases, foot chases, guns blasting and bombs exploding. The only thing missing would be a parkour dog. There's a huge body count. even Sam and Ryan get shot up a bit. Gary Oldman plays a Serbian War Criminal and Salma Hayek plays Sam's wife. Both are entertaining. I thought the movie was even more entertaining and I put it on my wish list. I'd watch it again. The Blu-ray is only 8 bucks on Amazon. It might turn up cheap in a place like Walmart.

The Ghost Of Sierra De Cobre is a 1964 TV movie that started out as a TV show pilot and now it's on a Blu-ray. The producers were going for a Twilight Zone or Outer Limits kind of anthology show but with a more supernatural and horror theme. The story was the pilot for a series called The Haunted. The show was not picked up. They shot more material and it played on TV as a movie.
Typical in Hollywood, pilots get made, no one ever hears about them again. Most don't get made into TV movies. That probably helped it's visibility but it's got less than a 100 votes on the IMDb. Since the movie is B&W it stopped being shown as people demanded color productions. I think what really helped make this available now is the film makers.
The Ghost Of Sierra De Cobre was produced by by Joseph Stefano of Outer Limits fame. The OL wasn't being picked up after the 1963 season and Joseph created The Haunted. The pilot got made and the Blu-ray we watched has it as an extra. We only watched the 80 minute feature film this night. Robert Stevens was the director of the pilot. He got ill and Joseph had to direct. It's his only directing credit.

There's a good cast, Martin Landau, Judith Anderson, Diane Baker, Tom Simcox, Leonard Stone and Priscilla Morrill. Martin plays an architect who dabbles in the occult. He also an expert building restorer and he's work has put him into contact with the supernatural before.

He gets asked to look into a phone call from a dead woman. A blind guy's mother has died and she was afraid of premature burial. She had a phone installed in her crypt, so she could call for help if she woke up in her coffin. She's been dead for nearly a year before the phone calls start. The investigation takes us to a dark past with murder at the heart of haunting. The end seems a bit downbeat for TV at the time.
It was entertaining but kind of pokey. You don't have to frisk the movie to find the padding, you could see it. It might play better in the short version. I might want to have a copy but it's a $20 Blu-ray, so I might wait to see if I find it cheaper along the way.