The Black Cat is a 1981 Italian horror film that was written by Biagio Proietti and director Lucio Fulci. I'm not a big Fulci fan as far as it goes but I mostly enjoyed this one. It's an adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe's The Black Cat but fairly different.
Patrick Magee is a medium who's trying to talk to the dead. He's somehow connected himself to his cat and the cat's out killing the people Patrick dislikes. What a prick, huh.
The police are investigating the deaths but it takes a while to connect them to each other. David Warbeck plays the police inspector and Mimsy Farmer is a tourist who likes photographing grave yards. The cat scratches on the victims leads them to the cat and he don't like that. It's mostly OK. I liked it better than most of the Fulci movies that I've seen. I'll keep the DVD, I might watch it again sometime.