Galaxy Lords is a 2018 SF movie, it's on Amazon Prime, I'm trying to catch a few things from there to take advantage of what's included with Prime's fee. This is a good reminder that free isn't always worth the price. The movie makes me think the film makers took all the stuff from SF movies that I liked and baked it into a cake that they then sat on with their bare unwashed asses. All the good stuff got wedged up in their crevices and what's left? Fuck all!
At least they didn't spend any money on it, the budget is reported to be $15,000 on the IMDb. That's because they didn't pay anyone for their work. Von Bilka is the director, he wrote the screenplay with Dan Underhill, they both appear in the film, in multiple roles. That's Dan on the left with Von embarrassing us all with his costume. Everything is shot on green screen and shit computer graphics fill in the background.
Someone on the IMDb commented that the movie was worse than films by The Asylum. It's true, the acting is poor, the script is shit, the sets are poor, the make up is ludicrous, and the costumes have visible cardboard showing. There's no reason to watch it unless you like working up a rage before bedtime.
Curse Of The Mayans is a 2017 Mexican movie by director Joaquin Rodriguez, he co-wrote the script with Alberto Haggar. It's a story of aliens locked in a cave under the water in Xibalba Mexico. The alien's kill when they get out and nearly everyone dies.
There were interesting caves and nice underwater photography to look at but I didn't care much for the movie, or the characters. Pretty familiar stuff here. No reason to bother.
Hm, well, I won't be going out of my way to see either of these films. Thanks!
Posted by: Gary S Mattingly | July 26, 2019 at 10:43 AM