Evil Come, Evil Go is a 1972 softcore horror film, Walt Davis is the writer and director, Bob Chinn is the producer. Bob Chinn was also a director, he directed several films with John Holmes. EC,EG is in the 5 Films - 5 Years Volume 4 Blu-ray set from Vinegar Syndrome. VS also has EC,EG available on DVD, in a set with 2 other films by Davis. Without seeing them, they both seem more interesting than EC,EG. Plus that DVD has an interview with Bob Chinn, the Blu-ray set has no extras.
That's Sandra Henderson as Penny, Cleo O'Hara as Sarah, and Jane Tsentas as Junie. Sarah is an insanely religious woman, She believes it's her calling to murder people who have sex for pleasure. Sarah seduces a guy, kills him, then drives to LA to kill another guy. Sarah meets up with Penny, who invites Sarah to stay at her place. Penny is stupid and she hangs around after Sarah starts killing.
There's not much to like about the movie, some crazy woman kills some people, nothing happens to her. Unsatisfying. I didn't see anything that made it stand out from all the below average horror films out there.