I watched Bigfoot Wars tonight. Not so good. C Thomas Howell battles Bigfoot and loses. A tribe of the human eating monsters sets up a camp in the woods near town. The hairy bastards kill people and eat them. They seem to prefer young women. The beasts grab the sheriff's daughter and C Thomas joins him and a deputy to look for her. There's plenty of traipsing through the woods and lots of yelling. There's a fair bit of gore and a brief bare bum at the start. The dialog is strictly get the job done quality. The actors a mixed bag, at least the ladies can get a scream up. I feel I wasted my $3.95 plus shipping and tax. I got the DVD at Hamilton Book. They have quite a number of DVDs and always get a few hundred new each month. They get some absolute shit sometimes. I buy it, now I have it, and sadly I'll do it again.
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