Batman: The Doom That Came To Gotham 2023 Based on the 2000 comic series of the same name by Mike Mignola, screenplay by Jase Ricci, directed by Christopher Berkeley and Sam Liu.
I'd read the 3 issue series almost 20 years ago and had forgotten all the details. I should dig it out to read sometime. I like Mike Mignola quite a bit, first as an artist and second as a story teller. I wish he had drawn the whole series not just the covers. I have the same complaint about him and Hellboy. Oh, well, huh.
The animated movie is set in 1928 and Bruce Wayne has been traveling since his parents were killed twenty years before. He's led an expedition to find what happened to Oscar Cobblepot. Bruce is joined by his three wards and his man Alfred. On arrival they find the crew dead except one man who's called Grendon. A strange creature is seen in the distance. Unbeknownst to Bruce it's Oscar, mutated by some evil force.
Bruce heads home to Gotham City and the Wayne Manor. He's got a nice wine cellar there. Grendon babbles on and on and Bruce starts to see something in his mutterings. Other strange things happen, many die. Bruce interacts with characters who are similar to characters in the regular comic series, there's a steady stream of them.
Eventually things come to a head when the unknowable evil arrives. Supernatural magic has to happen for Batman to defeat the baddies. There's plenty of fights and running about. The animation is good and the story is busy and entertaining. I picked up the Blu-ray and would watch it again sometime. There's a commentary by the writer and directors. It was about average. There's a nice making of for the movie and a promo featurette on the Superman Red Son movie.