One Wild Oat is a 1951 British comedy that was based on the play One Wild Oat by Vernon Sylvaine, he co-wrote the screenplay with Lawrence Huntington, the director was Charles Saunders.
It stars Robertson Hare and Stanley Holloway, that's them above, Stanley is the guy with glasses. Robertson is a bit of snooty barrister, he has a daughter, Stanley has a son, The kids want to marry but Robertson doesn't like the son so much, he wants to tell his daughter about the young man's shady past and put an end to things. Stanley tells Robertson that he'll reveal Robertson's shady past if he blabs the son's past. They spend the rest of the movie bouncing around in typical farce activity.
Audrey Hepburn has a small role as a hotel receptionist, she had been in a TV movie and three episodes of a TV revue show, this is her first feature film role. I thought the movie was about average, I got a few laughs but it's nothing special.