The first two movies on Amazon Prime's home page were both SF so I watched them. Turned out they had something more in common than being made last year. In both movies most of the movie was filmed in a car. First was Cosmos, a 2019 British film about some scientist guys who study the noise space makes. They pack some computers, a telescope and some signal detectors in a car and head out to the countryside. While hanging out in the middle of the night they intercept a steady signal and then their own message coming back at them. It couldn't have gotten far enough into space for it to be bounced back so soon, the moon is too close and the other planets aren't at the right distance either. It also repeats more times than they repeated the original signal.
Eventually they figure out what's going on and in the last part of the third act it turns into an alien contact movie. That was the best part of the movie, the first two acts are slowed down by a lot of interpersonal melodrama, the movie runs 128 mins and it really could use some trimming. I could do without the whole backstory as to where they all used to work and the like. It managed to keep me interested through to the end but I'm not sure I would need to buy a copy. Worth a look.
I wouldn't recommend Manifest Destiny Down: Spacetime to just anyone. It's a 2019 SF movie about something involving multi-universes. A guy wakes up in his dorm room with a naked woman in his bed. He gets a telephone call telling him to meet at the rocket pad. He packs up the car and the pair take off. They're being chased by a guy who's an Agent Smith cosplayer but with real powers. He's the one who called and oddly the guy can't see him but the woman can. Once the guy takes his meds he can see Agent Smith all too well. He runs away. They chase up and down the CGI highway. It's all confusing and I'm not sure what happened to tell you the truth. It's a lot of talk about multi-universes and changing dimensions. It's noisy, enthusiastic and colorful but the CGI is pretty poor. Not sure I'd want to see it again, even if it cleared some of it up, I've not got the time. I wouldn't need a DVD of it that's for sure.