Maigret continues to be enjoyable. I've settled into watching a couple of episodes starting at lunch time and continuing until nap time. I've taken some screencaps from the episodes as I saw interesting images.
Bruno Cremer goes all over the place to solve crimes, Finland at the request of a French man accused of murder, various small towns, unofficially to Belgium to help the brother-in-law of commissionaire who is a friend of his.
One episode took place on a couple of train cars. In the 10th series a man from Scotland Yard comes to observe Maigret.
One of my favorite images from the show. That's the corpse outline from a guy who was drowned in the tub.
Here's the outline of a dog that knew too much.
That's the wife of a rich guy getting out of her expensive imported American car. She randomly parks it in the middle of the courtyard, leaving the door open. Everyone in that house leaving the office of the rich guy leaves his door open and he repeatedly has to close it. The other picture is Maigret walking out of the episode just before the credits role. The car on the left of the picture is a 1940 Rolls Royce and it looked really nice.
In one episode the spurned lover of a scumbag artist burns his boat as Maigret looks on. What an exciting day for the locals of the small village, a guy gets arrested for murder and his girlfriend burns his boat. He won't be needing it where he's going. I just liked the painting in the other picture.