Golden Temple Amazons 1985 Story and screenplay by Jesús Franco, adaptation by Georges Friedland, directed by Alain Payet and and uncredited Jesús Franco. Part of a trio of women in the jungle themed films in a three disc set that I bought used for under a tenner. Someone is asking $332.30 on Amazon for a copy, the cheapest one is $46.49, the cheapest one on eBay is $49.98 and the only other one on eBay is $54.35. Not surprisingly nothing turns up under eBay's sold items option.
The movie starts in the past with the killing of a couple of people by some mostly topless women on horse back. The man had stolen some gold from their land and they wanted it back. He refuses and waves his shotgun around. No matter, he's pricked with an arrow to the heart. The stunned wife fares no different. The couple's young daughter witnesses the killings before being taken away from the scene by one of the families servants.
Years past and the young daughter is a grown woman who runs around the jungle mostly topless. She finds out who killed her parents, it was a nearby tribe of amazons that are being lead by a man, and now she wants revenge. The local chief tries to stop her, his son disappeared in the amazon's area, she goes anyway. She's soon kidnapped by the amazons, she escapes and rescues the chief's son.
Sadly, it's pretty dull, even the young topless amazons weren't distracting enough not to recognize that. I gave it generous 4 because of the nice Spanish scenery. Not one of the better jungle epics, that's for sure.