Airborne 2011 Screenplay by Paul Chronnell, directed by Dominic Burns. Part of a six pack of films from Image. I'm skipping The Frankenstein Theory because I blogged about it in 2020.
Most of the action takes place on a plane that's flying through the night from London to New York. The flight starts normal enough, it's not very full, only a dozen or so passengers. As the flight plows on one of them disappears, then another and another. Things get worse when the cabin crew are all found dead. When the plane goes off course, the air traffic control room notice and report it. Mark Hamill is in charge of the control room, at least until some secret service sorts take over.
As the story develops we find there's a priceless vase on the plane, it's worth a $100 mill, someone wants to steal it. Unfortunately the vase contains a death god that takes over people and turns them into killers. Things turn pretty rough and most everyone is killed. One of the people left near the end turns off the autopilot and lets the plane fall into the sea. He was hoping to kill off the death god but that failed because it jumped to Mark Hamill over the radio.
The basic monster on a plane could have been decent but the script let it down. Right from the opening cliche, it's controller Mark's last day, to the monster escaping finish, it's all familiar. I doubt I'll watch this one over. So far, none of the films in this 6 film set are worth re-watching.