Nightmare City 1980 Screenplay by Piero Regnoli, Tony Corti and Jose Luis Delgado, directed by Umberto Lenzi. I thought I had seen the movie before but it sure didn't look familiar. It was shot on location in Madrid and in studios in Rome.
A big military plane lands and deformed humans exit with murder on their minds. There had been a recent nuclear accident and these men seem to have been affected. They run fast and bite hard, they need to feed on blood to stay alive. A bullet to the head will also put them down but it doesn't seem to bother them much in other body parts.
The city gets over run and the military fight back. A reporter moves in and out of the story trying to get to his wife. They escape the city but the contaminated follow quickly. Most people are overwhelmed by the horde of deformed. This goes on quite a while and then the reporter wakes from a dream. He goes off to the the airport only to see the plane from his dream land. Three writers and that was the best they could come up with to end the story. That ending is so contrived that there should be a round of smacks to the heads of the film makers with Paul Naschy's fleshless skull.
I found most of it about average for a monster movie but it loses points for the cliched ending. I didn't think there was much to recommend about it, just a lot of scenes of slaughter and some talking heads to fill in the gaps. I got the DVD cheap and I'll keep it. I might want to see it again someday but it seems doubtful.