Doctor Who 0039 The Ice Warriors Six part story that aired November 11 to December 16 1967. Written by Brian Hayles and directed by Derek Martinus. Linking story by Sue Cowley, read by Frazier Hines.
Episodes 2 and 3 are missing but have been replaced by animation. This was the third serial to be completed with animated episodes. After watching the series the first time I thought it was a darn shame that so many of Patrick Troughton's episodes were missing. He is one of my favorite Doctors.
This is a story that I missed the first time I watched the series. The library didn't have this 2013 DVD, nor the earlier Audio CDs. Today I listened to the audio CDs first, then watched the DVD with the 4 remaining episodes and the 2 animated episodes. After the episodes played through I listened to the commentary track and all the Special Extras.
One of the bits of commentary was on the cost of a spool of tape used by the BBC. It was £90 in 1967, that's about $1896 in today's US dollars. That's a lot of cash to sit on a shelf. Makes it less surprising that so many episodes were wiped. A couple of serials back Frazier Hines said he salary was £65 an episode and they speculated that Patrick's salary would be more than a couple of hundred pounds an episode.
The Tardis drops into a snowy area, the Doctor, Jamie and Victoria pop out and lave a look around. They find they are next door to a large plastic dome.
They enter and find it's home to some people working on a project to slow and stop the current ice age. The base is on the verge of being evacuated to Africa.
One of the field teams finds a humanoid frozen in some ice and bring it along to the base. The humanoid revives and it turns out he's an alien. His ship and some of his pals are stuck in the advancing glacier. The alien knocks out Jamie and takes Victoria prisoner. The alien speaks English, he tells Victoria he's from Mars and he's called Varga.
Bernard Bresslaw plays Varga, he's an old favorite of mine. Some might know him from the many British movies and TV shows he's been on. I first saw him in some of the Carry On... films that played on Canadian TV when I was a boy, he was often a sidekick for Sid James. Bernard was 6 foot 7 inches tall and he made a formidable alien.
Scavengers live in the area, that's a couple of them, the guy on the right is Penley and he's played by Peter Sallis. Some might know him from The Last Of The Summer Wine or many other British films and TV shows. The other guy is Angus Lennie, he got a broken arm earlier in the story. Penley helps him to their hut. Scavengers hate the scientists and technology, even though Penley used to be a scientist.
Penley goes to the base for medical supplies and he see's Varga and Victoria leave the dome. He follows them and sees Varga attack the head of the project, he stops to help and along comes the Doctor. Back at his base Varga revives 4 more ice warriors. They begin work digging their ship out of the ice.
Jamie and Arden go after Victoria. Near the Martian dig site Arden is killed by an alien's ray gun but Jamie is only knocked out. Jamie's body is carried away by Penley. He takes him to his hut where they get a visit from one of the scientists asking him to come back to help with the Ionizer.
Victoria manages to escape before the Doctor gets there to rescue her. She gets caught by the Martians again. Penley meets the Doctor and takes him to Jamie. The Doctor visits the Martians and rescues Victoria. Varga is going to attack the base with his sonic cannon. The base is rocked by the blast.
The head of the human base offers a truce but one of his men tries to kill Varga and fails. Varga raids the Ionizer for mercury isotopes for his own ship. The glaciers step up their stroll through Britain. Back at the Martian's ship the Doctor uses their own sonic cannon against them, then he breaks it.
Back at the base the Doctor helps Penley fix the Ionizer, they blast the Martian ship and it explodes. The blast busts up the ship and the Tardis gang exit stage right for a new adventure.
Another serial I enjoyed. Same for the extras, plenty of good info and entertaining stories there. Sadly so many of the cast and crew have passed away.