Doctor Who 0037 The Tomb Of The Cybermen Four part story that aired September 2 to 23 1967. Screenplay by Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis, directed by Morris Barry. I watched this the first time that I ran through the series. I posted on 12-30-12, here's the post. I think I still feel about the same regarding the episodes.
Doctor Who 0038 The Abominable Snowmen Six part story that aired September 30 to November 4 1967. Screenplay by Mervyn Haisman and Henry Lincoln, directed by Gerald Blake. Linking script by Michael Stevens, read by Frazier Hines.
The first time I watched Doctor Who I watched the only remaining episode of the serial. It's included in the Patrick Troughton part of the Lost In Time DVD box set. I didn't have much to say back then.
38 The Abominable Snowmen was first broadcast September 30 – November 4 1967. Only episode 2 of the 6 exists. The Tardis gang encounters a Yeti. Nice, huh. Who doesn't like the Yeti.
You can't tell much from one episode.
This time I've got the complete serial to listen too. It's in the 4th of The Lost TV Episodes Collection. I found it as entertaining as the previous ones.
The Tardis sets down in the Himalayas, the Doctor goes off to explore and encounters a dead guy. He's blamed by the man's companions who are on a Yeti finding mission. Professor Travers, the head man, doesn't believe it's Yeti's killing people, he thinks they are passive creatures. The Doctor is held at a local monastery.
Jamie and Victoria decide to go look for the Doctor. They get trapped in a cave and discover some glowing metal spheres. They escape and visit the monastery. The Abbott releases the Doctor and the monastery is attacked by robot Yeti. They find out when one of the creatures is captured.
There's plenty more going on, the Doctor figures out who's behind the attacks and puts a stop to that. The Monks are safe in their home and Professor Travis is sure he's seen a real Yeti. The Tardis takes off as life goes on.
I was entertained but it would be nice to see the missing episodes replaced with animated ones. It could take a while, though I have no idea if the animated story is anywhere in the works. The DVD case for The Abominable Snowmen is a fan made one. Hopefully, there will be a real one down the road.