Valley Of The Zombies 1946 Story by Royal K Cole and Sherman L Lowe, screenplay by Dorrell McGowan and Stuart E McGowan, directed by Philip Ford.
That's Lorna Gray and Ian Keith, she's a nurse at a clinic and he's an insane murder who's also dead. Doctor Maynard is the head of the clinic, he's upset that someone is stealing blood from the store they have on hand. Robert Livingston plays a doctor who works at the clinic, he's dating Lorna. Ian had been a patient of Maynard's, he had been committed to a mental institution, he died during an operation and his brother took the body for burial in the family crypt.
First Dr Maynard gets murdered, the police suspect Robert and Lorna, they have to evidence so they spring the couple, hoping to find out more by keeping an eye on them. Robert and Lorna play detective, hoping to keep the law from locking them up, and the body count starts to rise. Eventually it will be worked out for the most part.
I had a laugh or two and the story was entertaining enough for me to get to the end of the film. Nothing special going on here, just a bit of light entertainment. You can check it out on YouTube, link above, and see if you like it.