Doctor Who 0061 The Curse Of Peladon Four part story that aired January 29 to February 19 1972. Written by Brian Hayles, directed by Lennie Mayne.
The Doctor takes the Tardis on a test drive, it lands him and Jo on the side of a mountain on the planet Peladon. The local government is hosting some aliens on a official visit to discus Peladon joining their federation. There's internal troubles, the High Priest is working against the King. The Doctor is mistaken for the emissary from Earth. He immediately sets about putting things right.
I watched this in 2013 and it was about as entertaining this time. I do like the 4 and 5 part stories better than the long ones.
Doctor Who 0062 The Sea Devils Six part story that aired February 26 to April 1 1972. Written by Malcolm Hulke, directed by Michael E Briant.
The Doctor goes to visit the Master in his island prison. On the boat trip over the Doctor hears about some ships that disappeared. On the boat trip back the Doctor and Jo visit an abandoned island fort, Jo gets attacked by a Sea Devil, they are related to the Silurians from an earlier story. The Doctor checks with the Navy after that and learns about the missing ships.
In the meantime it's revealed that the Master has convinced the prison manager Colonel Trenchard to help him in building a device to control the Sea Devils. He really wants to help the Sea Devils revive their race and attack the humans. The Doctor works hard to put a stop to that but plenty of humans and amphibians died that day.
Entertaining story that's got all the usual running about and yelling. The show got some help from the Navy and it's cool hovercraft.