Doctor Who 0063 The Mutants Six part story that aired April 8 to May 13 1972. Written by Bob Baker and Dave Martin, directed by Christopher Barry.
The Time Lord send the Doctor a pod to deliver to a planet. The Tardis comes to rest in the space station that orbits the planet. The Doctor and Jo are drawn into the middle of an uprising by the planet inhabitants against the Earth men in charge.There's all the usual jeopardy and yelling and running about as the Doctor tries to help the locals.
When I watched this before I thought it was a bit long and that still holds for this watching. The whole idea of the local mutating every 500 years is a bit weak but there are some other nice bits.
Doctor Who 0064 The Time Monster Six part story that aired May 20 to June 24 1972. Written by Robert Sloman and an uncredited Barry Letts, directed by Paul Bernard.
Another visit from the Master and a visit to Atlantis. He's trying to take over the Universe again, he's such a one trick pony. I was disappointed that the Doctor didn't leave him in the Kronos vortex. Some of the story is a bit dumb and it still drags at times. Would be better as a 4 part story.