The Tomorrow War 2021 Written by Zach Dean and directed by Chris McKay. Chris is the director of The LEGO Batman Movie, this is his 3rd movie.
Chris Platt is a biology teacher, he used to be a Green Beret. While watching the World Cup soldiers from the future appear and ask for people to come help fight alien monsters that are killing the humans in great numbers. There aren't enough volunteers, survival rate of a one week deployment is less than 30%, so a draft is initiated. Chris gets picked, the basic training is shortened to here's your gun, point that bit at the incredibly hard to kill aliens.
Chris meets his daughter in the future, it turns out she's one of the officers in charge. Besides the father and daughter melodrama there's some father and son melodrama with Chris and his father, played by J K Simmonds. It bogs down the story and pushes the run time to 138 mins.There's plenty of action, people are always shooting machine guns that rarely get reloaded. The slaughter is mostly happening to the humans, the aliens are both bug like and lizard like. They're heavily armored but they have soft spots in the neck and belly areas.
Chris manages to survive but the time machine is broken after he gets home. Luckily for the humans they figure out where the aliens came from, Russia, and they go there and blow up the spaceship that landed a thousand years ago. Chris finally gets home with his dad trailing him.
It's entertaining enough but a bit too slow for me. I gave it a 6 on the IMDb. I saw it on Amazon Prime and doubt I'd need to see it again.