Das Ungeheuer Von London 1964 Screenplay by Robert A Stemmle, screenplay revision by Bryan Edgar Wallace, directed by Edwin Zbonek. A German Krimi film set in London England. The film was shot at Spandau Studios in Berlin and on the streets of London. Released in the US as The Monster Of London City.
Someone is murdering prostitutes in modern London and the newspapers are calling him Jack the Ripper. At the same time the murders are going on an actor is playing Jack the Ripper in a play. He's had 300 performances, he's ready to quit but there's the contract. The actor is in love with the niece of a local politician. The actor comes to visit his girlfriend and meet the uncle. The uncle forbids them from marrying and wants the play closed down.
More murders happen and the police seem to have little to go on. They suspect the actor after they find out he had drug problems earlier on in his career. The film makes the politician a suspect but the real murder is close at hand. There's plenty of melodrama as well as some action scenes. There are even some odd bits of humor. Eventually the police close in on the killer. It all works out in the end and the killer is exposed.
It's not much better than average, some of the other Krimi films I've seen are quite a bit better. The YouTube channel the film is posted to has about 50 other Krimi films. most with English subtitles, about 30 are based on Edgar Wallace novels. I've downloaded a copy and would probably watch it again. Who knows if that will ever happen.