Night Key 1937 Story by William Pierce, screenplay by Tristam Tupper and John C Moffitt, directed by Lloyd Corrigan. The first film in the Universal Horror Collection Volume 4. Like the other sets there are 4 Blu-ray discs with a movie on each one. All have a commentary, four have stills and three have trailers as extras. This film has the trailer and some stills, the commentary is by Tom Weaver with a segment by Doctor Robert J Kiss. Tom's not much of a fan of the movie, he makes it sound like everyone wanted to pass on doing the commentary.
I hadn't seen Night Key before, I have it in a DVD set of Karloff movies but hadn't gotten around to watching it, I'd already watched all the other films in the set. Boris plays an elderly man who's invented a new burglar alarm system. He'd been part of an alarm company twenty years ago but was cheated out of his work by his partner. He offers the same man a chance to make it right and the guy cheats him again.
With the help of a petty crook Boris decides to show the cheater who's boss. His new invention can bypass any electronic alarm system. He breaks in to the cheater's client's stores and plays tricks but doesn't steal anything. The police are baffled and so is the cheater.
The petty crook, unable to get his head around revenge when stealing is what should be happening, pulls some local crooks into the mix. Boris finds himself kidnapped, he's forced to open shops for a massive round up of goodies. Boris struggles against the baddies who even threaten to kill his daughter to keep him in line. Boris eventually gets the upper hand and escapes.
The story kept me interested for the most part, though it isn't anything outstanding. I liked the characters, especially Boris. It's only 73 mins so they don't have much time to waste. I'd watch it again.