Fury At Smugglers Bay 1961 Written, directed and produced by John Gilling. John wrote a fair number of decent movies, some for Hammer Films, he directed a good number of decent movies too, the same can be said for his TV work.
Peter Cushing is Squire Trevenyan and he lives in 18th century Cornwall. Bernard Lee is Black John, a local scumbag who's in the ship wrecking business. BJ is blackmailing the Squire to keep his trap shut. The Squire's son is in love with a local gal who's father is a thief who's being sent to a penal colony. William Franklyn plays a local thief who's a nice guy at heart. He helps the local gal to put an end to Black John's activities.
It's an average movie with a good cast. There's some intrigue, some fist fights, some sword wavin', a bit of romance and a nice rescue. There's a poor copy on YouTube, a better one on Rarelust, and a DVD that I'm not sure I would need at 15 smackaroonies.