Ridley Series 1 Four 90 min episodes that just aired on ITV. Created by Paul Matthew Thompson, written by Paul Matthew Thompson, Jonathan Fisher and Julia Gilbert, directed by Paul Gay. Thompson is the creator of Vera. I watched a few episodes of Vera and found I didn't care for it.
Adrian Dunbar is Alex Ridley. That's him above, he's a police detective who retired early, he'd had a nervous breakdown after his wife and daughter were killed in an arson fire at their house. A man went to jail for it. Eighteen months later he comes back to work as a consultant.
Left to right that's Terence Maynard as DCI Paul Goodwin, Adrian, Bronagh Waugh as DI Carol Farman, and George Bukhari as DC Darren Lakhan. George Glen plays Dr Wendy Newstone and Julie Graham plays Annie Marling. Ridley owns a jazz pub with Annie, he sings and plays the piano when the scum are behind bars.
Just barely on the edge of where I draw the line on crime shows. There's a lot of personal drama mixed in with the murder of the week. There's also a lot of yelling. Cops and crooks aren't too happy with Ridley's methods. He'll kick a door down or steal some evidence to get the jump on the baddie.
It's fairly well done but I noticed I was starting to flick through the episode more frequently in the second half. Not something I would need to see again.