The Indian Doctor Series 2 Created by Deep Sehgal and Tom Ware, written by Nicholas Martin, Sian Naiomi, Catrin Clarke and Rob Gittins, directed by Gwennan Sage and Lee Haven-Jones. The five episodes aired February 27 to March 2 2012.
Doctor Sharma and his wife Kamini get a visit from Kamini's mother Pushpa just as a smallpox outbreak occurs in the village. Pushpa is blames as there is an outbreak in India. She's been vaccinated but the locals are scared. They don't even want to get vaccinated even after the Doctor arranges for a vaccination unit to be brought up from Cardiff. It takes a while to bring the locals around to getting their jab. So like the current day.
Another good series that I enjoyed despite the heavy level of drama. Good script and good cast. There's another series to watch, I'll get to it in a bit.