Torchwood Series 1 Episode 10-13
Out Of Time December 17 2006 Written by Catherine Tregenna and directed by Alice Troughton.
A plane with three people from 1953 wind up in Cardiff in 2006. They are confused and each deal with being stuck in another time in a different way. The three are befriended by Jack, Gwen and Owen.
Combat December 24 2006 Written by Noel Clarke and directed by Andy Goddard.
Some guy is running a fight club with a weavel. Every action series seems to have this plot. Owen gets involved and they make him fight the weavel. He nearly dies but Jack arrives to save him. The guy running the fight club lets the weavel slaughter him instead of going to jail.
Captain Jack Harkness January 1 2007 Written by Catherine Tregenna and directed by Ashley Way.
Jack and Toshiko get sent to 1941 by the time rift. Jack meets the real Captain Jack Harkness. Ianto tries to stop Owen from opening the rift by shooting him in the back but it Owen manages to open the rift. That will cause problems next episode.
Murray Melvin plays an evil guy who travels back and forth through the rift. Some might remember him as the computer interface on the Tulip from the Starhunter series.
End Of Days January 1 2007 Written by Chris Chibnall and directed by Ashley Way.
The rift causes problems and Jack fires Owen. The Torchwood team does a poor job a lot of the time.
Murray Melvin releases a giant monster, Jack pumps it full of life and kills it. Jack revives a while later and is picked up by the Tardis.
I skipped through the making of material and listened to about half of one of the four commentaries.