Torchwood Series 2 Episode 8 to 13
A Day In The Death February 27 2008 Written by Joseph Lidster and directed by Andy Goddard.
Owen is still alive after being resurrected but he's got some issues. So does Jack. Martha checks Owen out and says he's human. Owen can't breath and doesn't seem to age. She does find a problem, he's incapable of healing. His lack of body heat helps him break into a house where he finds Richard Biers playing a collector of alien artifacts.
Richard's got something that is gathering power, he believes it is keeping him alive but it's not. While Owen helps him conquer his fear of death the poor guy has a heart attack , Owen is incapable of giving him CPR so he dies. The alien artifact is more benign than thought. It puts on a nice light show.
Owen saves a woman from jumping off a roof by telling her about his day. They admire the alien artifact's light show.
Something Borrowed March 5 2008 Written by Phil Boyd and directed by Ashley Way.
Gwen gets pregnant when a shapeshifting alien bites her. Gwen wakes the next day pretty much ready to pop. This is another of the common plot elements shared with countless SF, fantasy and horror TV shows and movies. The pregnancy disturbs Rhys and complicates Gwen and Rhys wedding day. It only gets worse when the alien shapeshifter shows up to collect the baby.
From Out Of The Rain March 12 2008 Written by Peter J Hammond and Jonathan Fox Bassett.
A couple of evil baddies pop out of a silent movie and start gathering the last breath from some poor people. The victims goes into a coma but don't die. Torchwood sorts it all out but saves one of the victims.
Adrift March 19 2008 Written by Chris Chibnall and directed by Mark Everest.
Gwen's old police pal Andy tells her about a group of missing people. Ruth Jones is mother of one young man who has disappeared. Gwen wants to dig into the story but Jack says no. She goes behind his back and discovers a building filled with the missing. They were damaged by encounters with the rift and Jack has set up a secret place to keep them safe until they die.
Gwen brings Ruth to see her son and it's all too much for Ruth, she has a bit of a break down. She later tells Gwen not to show the place to other people. Gwen is sad.
Fragments March 21 2008 Written by Chris Chibnall and directed by Jonathan Fox Bassett.
Most everyone gets blown up in a building. Gwen is late to the site and has to rescue everyone. Jack was dead but he revives, the others are alive but trapped under rubble. The injured think back to how they were recruited by Torchwood. At the end of the episode Captain John reveals he was the one who set the bomb. He shows Jack a picture of his long lost brother Gray before cutting off the video.
Exit Wounds March 21 208 Written by Chris Chibnall and directed by Ashley Way.
Captain John blows up several more bombs in Cardiff. He captures Captain Jack and takes him back to 27 AD. Jack meets Gray, who stabs him in the gut. Gray is hateful because Jack didn't rescue him from the evil aliens who captured him on their home planet. Jack had been holding Gray's hand but they still managed to get separated, the aliens snatch Gray and torture him. Gray eventually escapes and he wants some revenge. He's taken control of Captain John with a bomb on his wrist. Gray is the one who had the bombs put in place. Back in 27 AD Captain John buries Jack and Gray frees Captain John from his bomb.
Gwen, Rhys and Andy work with the police to keep order. The local nuclear reactor is going to blow and Owen tries to get it shut down. He fails and gets locked in the control room, he's killed when the coolant floods the room. Gray goes to Torchwood, shoots Toshiko and leaves her to die. Jack is dug up in 1901 by Torchwood. He asks them to freeze him in the vault. Gray thaws Captain Jack but won't accept his apology. Captain Jack subdues Gray and freezes him. The series end with Gwen, Jack and Ianto left of the Torchwood gang.
The episode 11-13 disc has some making of material and the last disc in the set has 13 short making of videos. I kind of skipped through all that and wrapped up the second series. Not a commentary to be found. Mind you, I can't complain too much, I would have skipped through them a bit and forgot about them.
I'm not overly thrilled with the stories and doubt I would have time to get around to the series again. I just didn't find the characters that compelling. I'd rather watch Doctor Who over again, or some other shows I liked better.